Dr. 尼古拉斯·霍布斯

Associate Professor

办公室: 黑洞 220   |    电话: (308) 865-1572   |    电子邮件: hobbsjn@haijue.net

Dr. 尼古拉斯·霍布斯


Areas of Interest:

  • Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
  • Sex Differences in the Brain 和 Behavior
  • Behavioral Ecology


Professional Affiliations:


  • 霍布斯,N. J. 2012. Condition-dependent Effects on Proceptive Behaviors in Meadow Voles. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN. 158 pp.


  • 拉其普特人,年代.维因斯基,M.S., 莱曼,L., 霍布斯,N.J., 和 Dolence, J.J.  2023.  Androgen receptor signaling protects male mice from the development of immune response to peanut.  American Journal of Clinical 和 Experimental Immunology 12:60-71.
  • Vininski, M.S.拉杰普特,S., 霍布斯,N.J., 和 Dolence, J.J.  2022.  Underst和ing sex differences in the allergic immune response to food.  AIMS Allergy 和 Immunology  6:90-105.  doi: 10.3934 /过敏.2022009
  • 沃雷N. B.杜马,K. M.袁杰. C.纽曼,L。. E.A,阿隆索. G.吉莱斯皮,T. C., 霍布斯,N. J.布里德洛夫,S. M.乔丹,C. L.布莱德沃尔德,R. 和维内马,A. H.  2019.  Estrogen 和 和rogen receptor activation contribute to the masculinization of oxytocin receptors in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of rates.  Journal of Neuroendocrinology.  http://doi.org/10.1111 / jne.12760.
  • 卡尔森,D.钱德拉,S., 霍布斯,N., 和 Steele, J.  2019.  Clay modeling in a sophomore-level anatomy laboratory:  Will active learning improve student performance?  人体解剖学 & Physiology Society (HAPS) Educator, 23:5-11. 
  • 霍布斯,N. J., Swift-Gallant, A.乔丹,C. L. 和 Breedlove, S. M.  2017.  Neurochemicals drawing the line between love 和 hate.  Biological Psychiatry 81: 177-178.
  • Pfau D. R., 霍布斯,N. J.布里德洛夫,S. M. 乔丹,C. L.  2016.  Sex 和 laterality differences in medial amygdala neurons 和 astrocytes of adult mice.  Journal of Comparative Neurology 524: 2492-2502.
  • Ferkin, M. H. 和 霍布斯,N. J.  2014.  Female meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, respond differently to the scent marks of multiple male conspecifics.  Animal Cognition 17: 715-722.
  • 霍布斯,N. J.手指,A. 费金,M. H.  2012.  Effects of food availability on proceptivity: a test of the reproduction at all costs 和 metabolic fuels hypotheses.  行为al Processes 91: 192-197.
  • 霍布斯,N. J. 费金,M. H.  2012.  The response of male meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, to same- 和 mixed-sex over-marks depends on the reproductive state of the top- 和 bottom-female scent donors.  行为 149: 705-722.
  • 霍布斯,N. J. 费金,M. H.  2011.  Effect of protein content of the diet on scent marking 和 over-marking behavior in meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus.  行为 148: 1027-1044.
  • 霍布斯,N. J. 费金,M. H.  2011.  Dietary protein content affects the response of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, to over-marks.  Acta Ethologica 14:57-64.
  • Ferkin, M. H., 霍布斯,N. J.费金,B. D.弗金,A. C. 和弗金博士. A.  2011.  Male 和 female meadow voles Microtus pennsylvanicus respond differently to scent marks from the top-, middle-, 和 bottom-scent donors of an over-mark.  Current Zoology 57:441-448.
  • Vlautin C. T., 霍布斯,N. J. 费金,M. H.  2010.  Male 和 female meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, differ in their responses to heterospecific/conspecific over-marks.  动物行为学 116:797-805.
  • 霍布斯,N. J.A. M. 费金,M. H.  2008.  Self-grooming response of meadow voles to the odor of opposite-sex conspecifics in relation to the dietary protein content of both sexes.  动物行为学 114:1210-1217.